"The artistic input to the Elysia Garden at Garden Organic Ryton by Denius Parson is imaginative, visually exciting and contributes a very valuable element to the overall concept. His work has been much admired by visitors and staff alike. Denius also installed the solar power source that operates the Flowform water feature for this garden"
Bob Sherman, Director of Gardens and Gardening, Garden Organic

Using a chainsaw means that I can get from the raw material to a thing of beauty reasonably quickly, which makes this kind of coarse sculpture surprisingly affordable. If you would prefer a finer finish, this can be accommodated as well.

Events/Competitions I've attended

From 23/09/2010 to 25/09/2010
European Chainsaw Carving Championships
APF 2010 European Chainsaw Carving Championships Saturday 23rd, 24th and 25th September 2010

From 04/09/2010 to 04/09/2010
The annual Carve Carrbridge chainsaw carving competition
Saturday 4th September 2010, on the village sports field.

From 28/08/2010 to 30/08/2010
The English Open Chainsaw Competition
Held at Cheshire Game & Country Fair August Bank Holiday